Welcome in my dear cublings!

about me

What I Do

Welcome to my safe space where I share a small piece of my work and art to all. I started drawing as a hobby and right now this hobby has led me to expand not only my skills, but also my ever growing relationship with you all.I stream a variety of games ranging from open world survival rpgs like Minecraft to fps games such as Siege and Tarkov! I'm also planning on streaming my art! If you want to see me play and maybe just hang out, be sure to check out my Twitch channel!~Twitch ChannelYou can also join my Discord, or follow me on Twitter to stay updated on when I stream and other announcements!


The existence of an ancient bear cult has been the subject of intense debate since archaeological evidence was first unearthed. The very first discovery included a number of caves with bear remains arranged into a pattern depicting some kind of ritual. The walls were inscribed with an ancient tale about a vicious huntress that will wipe out everyone who dares get in her way.Legends that surround the bear are varied and diverse, often portraying the bear as a powerful goddess and natural predator. She bestows upon women the power of knowing and healing, but she is also a ferocious warrior and capable of unimaginable terror. She is both creator and destroyer.This tale; however, appears to be pure myth. No such being appears to have ever existed. Unless...

mihartsy's boundaries

⭕️ These boundaries apply to everything and everywhere [ all social media accounts, on and off stream. ]
⭕️ Do not abuse my friendliness.
⭕️ Do not tell me what I should and shoudn't do. I am not a child.

1. Comments and questions

❌ Not okay with sexual comments: "will you be my mommy?", etc.
❌ Not okay with weird comments: "can I marry you?", etc.

2. Direct messages

✔️Okay with friends dm'ing me.
✔️Okay with fellow content creators dm'ing.
❌ Not okay with people adding me, dm'ing me stuff. That is what the server is for.
❌ Not okay with posting and/or sharing our private DM's to the public.

3. Fan Art and Fanfics

✔️Okay with NSFW art of me, or me and Citamorph.
❌ Not okay with NSFW art of me w/ friends, me w/ self inserts, or me w/ randoms.
❌ Not okay with any fanfics of me or Citamorph.

4. friendships

✔️Okay with asking to be friends. However, it is up for me to decide if I want to.
✔️Platonic friendships nothing more.
❌MONEY DOES NOT EQUAL FRIENDSHIP. I appreciate the tips and bits but that does not mean I owe you anything.

5. shipping

✔️Okay with shipping me w/ Citamorph
❌ Not okay with shipping me w/ friends, me w/ self inserts, me w/ randoms.

6 simping

✔️Okay with simping but keep it to a MINIMUM.
❌ Not okay with obsessive / stalker behaviour.
❌ Do not mistake my friendliness for flirting.

7. profile picture

❌ Not okay with people using my oc, and/or my fanarts as their profile picture.

8. Personal info

❌ Do not search for/speculate about personal information about me (real name, sexuality or anything else that I've purposefully kept private)
❌ Not okay with assuming anything and everything about me. [i.e. my relationships, etc.]

9. Venting and ranting

✔️Okay with my friends dm'ing me.
❌ Not okay with people venting or ranting to me in dms, in twitch chat, or in my server. I am not your therapist.